Somerton Public Meeting 13th October

1 Apologies
James Bensley and Bruce Sturrock.
2 Minutes of the EGM 26th February 2020
The minutes of the EGM held on the 26th February 2020 were approved as accurate, with
one absten1on.
3 Chairman’s Report
Flegg CLT started in 2018 with an agreement to move forward with the support of Debbie
Wildridge. Solicitors were appointed in July 2018 with the first formal mee1ng taking
place on the 27th September 2018 Flegg CLT was finally legally formed on the 12th
December 2018 GYBC provided a start up grant of £5,000 but it wouldn’t have been
possible without the invaluable support of Debbie Wildridge provided by Locality’s
Eastern Region.
All the local Parish Councils were contacted seeking support. Rollesby, Stokesby,
Martham and Somerton were the first members and several gave generous dona1ons.
Membership is open for further members for a minimum fee of £1 for life1me
There are 5 Trustees at present: Robin Neve, Shaun Day, Terry Harper, Andy Grant, and
James Bensley, and soon to be joined by Bruce Sturrock.
Claudia Dickson was taken on as secretary on the 13th November 2019 keeping us legal
and moving forward.
The previous chair, Noel Galer, resigned earlier in the year and I was elected on the 26th
February. Things have been a bit slow since then due to the pandemic but we are ge`ng
things back on track via Zoom.
Paul Hooper resigned as a trustee and Vice-Chairman at the last mee1ng as he is leading
Martham’s campaign against development in the village so felt there was a conflict of
Flegg CLT covers 6 wards and 16 parishes. Great Yarmouth has their own and separate
CLT. In 2012 the Flegg CLT area had a popula1on of 26,052.
The first community expressions of interest were taken in Somerton. It looked at
affordable housing but went wider than that. Housing was high on residents agenda but
to be aimed at local people. Somerton has been re-consulted recently with the CLT
looking to spread wider to find out people’s priori1es.
Talks have taken place with a few landowners looking for a mix of sites or maybe exis1ng
proper1es to refurbish, this includes the Borough Council.
There have been a few glitches in getting the website up and running and the CLT could
do with some help.
4 Finance and Administration Report, including Accounts for the Year Ending 31st March
The following report was presented by the secretary:
(1) Income for the financial period totalled £6,002.00 comprising of:
Grants and donations
Membership fees
(2) Expenditure for the financial period totalled £3,165.95 comprising of:
Stationery, postage etc
National CLT membership
Solicitor set up fees
VAT (not reclaimable)
(3) The bank balance at the end of the financial period was £2,836.05. There were no
outstanding creditors or debtors.
(4) There is no petty cash.
Mrs Claudia Dickson fulfilled the Secretary role for the 13th November 2019 and 8th January
2020 meetings and was appointed at the 26th February 2020 EGM.
Mr Noel Galer and Mrs Elaine Galer resigned as Trustees at the 26th February 2020 EGM.
They had not been replaced by the end of the financial year.
The accounts were accepted and approved by the Trustees.
It was agreed to ask Pauline James to audit the accounts at a cost of £30.
5 Any Other Business
Mike Overton was suggested for help with the website and emails. RN will approach.
6 Date and location of the next meeting
No date and 1me were set for the next AGM.


I fully support the objects of Flegg CLT and in particular I understand that :-
  • Members each have one vote at general meetings regardless of how many £1 (one pound) shares they hold;
  • Shares will never be worth more than I pay for them, could even reduce in value, and there will be no dividend payable to subscribers;
  • This is not a savings scheme and I may not get any or all of my money back should I ever ask for this in the future. If I wish to leave the CLT, the Trustees will consider whether my share money can be returned. Flegg CLT cannot guarantee it will have sufficient funds;
  • The shares are not backed by any compensation scheme or ombudsman;