Notice of Public Meeting 13th October

Public meeting
Flegg Community Land Trust Wednesday 13th October, 7.30pm Village Hall, Cottage Road, Somerton

Some 3 years ago the Flegg Community Land Trust was asked by Somerton Parish Council, a member of the FCLT, to explore the potential needs and possibilities for community led assets in the village. This is namely affordable housing for local people, but not exclusively.

As has been widely known – through Parish Council, Somerton News and the Great Yarmouth Mercury – lots has been done to establish both local feeling and need, including detailed surveys delivered to every household in both 2020 and 2019. All this has been assessed and the FCLT wish to now have a fully open and hopefully constructive, informative session with the villagers and anyone with connection to.

This will be in format of a public meeting with the key objectives:-

– Introduction & back story – Findings
– Proposals to explore
– Questions and answers

This meeting is to not inform of decisions, but inform & reflect with parishioner involvement.

We do hope to see you there.


I fully support the objects of Flegg CLT and in particular I understand that :-
  • Members each have one vote at general meetings regardless of how many £1 (one pound) shares they hold;
  • Shares will never be worth more than I pay for them, could even reduce in value, and there will be no dividend payable to subscribers;
  • This is not a savings scheme and I may not get any or all of my money back should I ever ask for this in the future. If I wish to leave the CLT, the Trustees will consider whether my share money can be returned. Flegg CLT cannot guarantee it will have sufficient funds;
  • The shares are not backed by any compensation scheme or ombudsman;