Letter to all Members

Dear Member

Flegg Community Land Trust


“by local people, for local people”

At the beginning of this strange year I took over as Chairman of the Flegg Community Land Trust (FCLT) which was formed to work on behalf of all communities within the Northern Parishes, comprising:-

Ashby with Oby, Caister-on-Sea, Filby, Fleggburgh (with Clippesby and Billockby), Hemsby, Martham, Mautby (with Runham & Thrigby), Ormesby St Margaret with Scratby, Ormesby St Michael, Repps with Bastwick, Rollesby, Somerton, Stokesby (with Herringby), Thurne and Winterton-on-Sea

….in the Borough of Great Yarmouth.

As you will be aware the purpose is to consider what community assets we can acquire, develop and hold in perpetuity on behalf of the community, or assist local groups (such as a Parish Council) similarly. We anticipate this will include affordable homes for the principal benefit of local people but could also include other things the community needs for example; small workspaces, community shops, pubs or post offices, or community buildings or land from open spaces to community woodland or orchards. These could be new builds but might also be renovated or repurposed existing buildings or land.

We take steps to monitor housing need and be aware of the type and size of housing most likely to meet local requirements. We link the provision of housing to the sustainability of their community, mindful of the need to secure and foster the ongoing provision of local services – such as primary schools, access to medical care, shops, a post office, accessible public transport for example.

As I said this year has been strange and has impacted upon our plans and so I felt that I should let you have an update. Since formation last year we have welcomed the following Parish Councils as members:-

• Martham
• Somerton
• Rollesby
• Repps with Bastwick
• Stokesby with Herringby

Chair: Robin Neve
Flegg Community Land Trust, 31 Mill Lane, Acle, Norfolk, NR13 3BJ claudia.dickson@fleggclt.org.uk
We take Data Protection very seriously. Please request copy of our policy if required.

14 November 2020

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“by local people, for local people”

Proposals for Somerton village are advancing, with two contributions to the village newsletter and circulations surveying local expressions of interest from all residents. See enclosed the second issue of August. These results are being analysed and will be shared with the Parish Council to form a shortlist of actions from local views and needs.

Rollesby is progressing a Neighbourhood Plan, which the FCLT is supportive of and assisting with input with a view to securing a community led local housing scheme proposal.

We have had input, and seen changes, to proposed policy on the Borough Council’s Emerging Local Plan document and have working relationships with the Borough, and are working with its officers on a number of fronts.

We are introducing bi-monthly meetings, currently by Zoom online, for Member participation or even guests as observers, but prefer to welcome as many as possible to become Members to contribute to our objectives. So, whether you would like one of our trustees to come and talk to your PC or parishioners about the CLT and its ambitions, or like to join into a future Zoom meeting, please do contact me or our Clerk in the first instance. The next open meeting will be on the 15th December at 7.30pm.

I would urge you to contact us and see what we might be able to do for you, and we very much look forward to hearing what YOUR community would like achieved and how we can help deliver that.

We hope your Parish Council will send a representative which will allow you to liaise and actively work with us to address the requirement for both affordable and low cost, modestly sized housing and other community needs specifically in your Parish. We do look to ensure that all development proposals will be shared with all communities and when it comes to the allocation of affordable homes to people who are from or have a local connection to the area.

I hope to ‘see’ you soon. Yours sincerely,

Robin Neve B.SC. M.R.I.C.S
Chairman of Flegg Community Land Trust The Green

Chair: Robin Neve
Flegg Community Land Trust, 31 Mill Lane, Acle, Norfolk, NR13 3BJ claudia.dickson@fleggclt.org.uk
We take Data Protection very seriously. Please request copy of our policy if required.

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I fully support the objects of Flegg CLT and in particular I understand that :-
  • Members each have one vote at general meetings regardless of how many £1 (one pound) shares they hold;
  • Shares will never be worth more than I pay for them, could even reduce in value, and there will be no dividend payable to subscribers;
  • This is not a savings scheme and I may not get any or all of my money back should I ever ask for this in the future. If I wish to leave the CLT, the Trustees will consider whether my share money can be returned. Flegg CLT cannot guarantee it will have sufficient funds;
  • The shares are not backed by any compensation scheme or ombudsman;