Chairman’s ‘mardle’

With meetings now taking place via Zoom on the internet after a delay whilst the world worked out how it was going to continue to turn without being able to meet face-to-face, the Flegg CLT position of Vice-Chairman remained vacant following the resignation by Paul Hooped to concentrate on the challenges around the growing development pressures in Martham, so the Trustees were pleased to accept the nomination and election of replacement Terry Harper from Somerton, a founding member of Flegg CLT.

We were also pleased to welcome a new Trustee, well-known local businessman and Rollesby Parish Councillor Bruce Sturrock, and we look forward to working with him on projects going forward.

Robin Neve B.Sc. M.R.I.C.S
Chairman of Flegg Community Land Trust The Green
NR29 4PL


I fully support the objects of Flegg CLT and in particular I understand that :-
  • Members each have one vote at general meetings regardless of how many £1 (one pound) shares they hold;
  • Shares will never be worth more than I pay for them, could even reduce in value, and there will be no dividend payable to subscribers;
  • This is not a savings scheme and I may not get any or all of my money back should I ever ask for this in the future. If I wish to leave the CLT, the Trustees will consider whether my share money can be returned. Flegg CLT cannot guarantee it will have sufficient funds;
  • The shares are not backed by any compensation scheme or ombudsman;